Marty Quilts - A Creative Surge

A Creative Surge

I have been working so hard lately I have almost forgotten to come up for a breath. It seems like I am given new ideas with each project I undertake. I am thankful for this surge of creativity. I am also thankful for all of the ways other quilters generously share their knowledge and skills. Blogs and Pinterest abound with beautiful new projects, photos and ideas. It is good to remember on this Labor Day, how much I love my work and how grateful I am to be able to work in a field that I love. I have uploaded new photos in my gallery of some of the work I have been doing this summer.

I have quilted many customer quilts, and have finished a number of tops that I had in progress. I was excited to learn that I was awarded second place in the Modern Quilts Unlimited Fresh Ideas contest. My quilt will be featured in their Winter, 2014 Issue. Hope you are loving your Quilting!

I finally put this ribbon border on a string quilt top I started over two years ago! Quilting to come...