Marty Quilts - Books that Provide Me with Quilting Inspiration

Books that Provide Me with Quilting Inspiration

I thought it might be fun to share with you some of my all time favorite quilting books. These books have inspired me in my love of quilting.

Old Quilts by William Rush Dunton Dr. Dunton was the founder of the American Occupational Therapy Association, and was also fascinated by quilts, which he lovingly watched his mother make. Dunton went on to collect and study quilts made in the Baltimore Album style. He felt that quilting helped his 'nervous ladies'. Dunton's book Old Quilts, self published in 1946, wonderfully details each of the album quilts in the Maryland Historical Society in a block by block fashion. This is a rare book, as Dunton only published 2000 copies.

Patchwork by Averil Colby (1958)

Averil Colby was the foremost authority on Quilting in England in the mid 1900's. What I like most about her books is that she thoroughly researched her techniques by examining the history of the art of quilting. I really enjoy her historical references and examples. I also love her book called Quilting, published much later in 1971. I was lucky to find this book on a library sale table for only $1.00! Averil demonstrates many historical quilting patterns from earlier centuries. Did you know that seventeenth century Quilter's used 'filling' patterns as well as 'spot' fill patterns?

Quilting (1991) by Dorothy Osler Another favorite quilting author is British Quilt expert Dorothy Osler. The photos in this book are exquisite and have inspired me often in my quilting. BONUS: this was on the same library sale table! That was a great day for me. Osler's companion book, The Quilting Design Sourcebook, provides excellent pictures of lovely quilting designs and explores many ways of using these designs in your quilting.

These are just a few of the many masterpieces of quilting literature. What are some of your favorites? Let me know via the contact section of this website so I can share your favorites with other interested quilters!