Marty Quilts - Do You Ever Wonder...?

Do You Ever Wonder...?

Recently I had the privilege of doing some research on a quilt top brought to me by a gentleman whose wife had stored it in her closet for the past fifty years. They had, in fact, saved this amazing top from going to the trash at the end of a yard sale all those many years ago. The quilt top is done in a traditional Broderie Perse style, where a design from chintz fabric is carefully cut around and then hand turned and appliqued on a solid background fabric. This was a popular quilter’s pastime in the mid nineteenth century.

Each of the 49 blocks on this quilt was signed and dated and also penned with a bible verse. The one pictured above is signed by Maria Fulford in September of 1845. Its verse says “The Lord Loveth the Righteous.” It is so wonderful that this quilt top was saved. It had me wondering about the people who signed it. What was life like 170 years ago? Think how many quilts or quilt tops were not so lucky! This further reminds me to be sure to label my quilts and include pertinent information for future generations.
